You can participate in a million ways !
The Zinneke Parade needs all creative forces to gain the necessary Zinnergy for 2004.


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Participate of Zinneke Parade

To be part of Zinneke 2004

Who can participate ?

Every one !
Zinneke takes place in a spirit of encounter, mutual respect and positive attitude. Many workshops are being organised. We learn how to make music, dance, acrobatic stunts, etc. We build moving structures, chariots, decors.
You can be part of it in a million ways! And finally we learn how to parade and invade the public space. There is a place for everyone who wants to invest time and energy in the realisation of the parade.
The Zinneke Parade needs all creative forces to gain the necessary Zinnergy for 2004.

How participate ?

Contact from today on the asbl Zinneke who is in charge of the general coordination. You can also approach the community centers, cultural centers, youth houses, centres d'expression et de créativité and the theatres that participate at the Parade.

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